THERE will be less horsing around at a stables in Peebles if a bid for a new dog grooming facility gets the green light.

An application has been submitted to Scottish Borders Council for the partial change of use of the equestrian building south of Castlehill Farmhouse at Kirkton Manor to form a dog grooming business.

The applicant is S. Brash, of Landsdowne Crescent in Edinburgh.

In a supporting letter, the applicant’s agent, Edinburgh-based Derek Scott, said: “The facility referred to accommodates a tack room on the ground floor and an unused space within a mezzanine area above.

“The application proposes that the mezzanine area above the tack room will be used for dog grooming purposes to be undertaken by a member of staff at the facility.

“The member of staff referred to will be employed 20 hours per week as a horse groom within the existing yard with the balance of her working week, 15 hours, being involved in dog grooming activities.”