POLICE officers from the Community Action Team (CAT) have held speed checks on the A72 near Kingsland Primary School.

The initiative on Monday (April 22) followed concerns raised at Peebles Community Council’s recent meeting that speed measures in place are still not slowing drivers.

On social media Police Scotland said: “Officers from the CAT carried out a high-visibility speed check at Kingsland Primary School, in Peebles, during school drop offs.”

Tweeddale East Councillor Julie Pirone said: “More brilliant speed checking in Tweedddale West from our Community Action Team of officers, funded by Scottish Borders Council.”

Existing measures include pencil bollards, a flashing speed warning sign at the entrance to the 20mph zone and a 40mph zone, from halfway up the hill, driving towards Peebles.

PCC discussed different ideas, including using a Pop-Up Bob dummy police officer and its chairman, Peter Maudsley, said: “If anywhere deserves a speed camera in our area it is the A72 by Kingsland School.”