MIDLOTHIAN South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale MSP Christine Grahame this week revealed she was encouraged to learn that First Scotland may be prepared to revert the 62 service back to Edinburgh bus station following a number of meetings she has had with the Managing Director of the company’s eastern division.

She was inundated with complaints since a change of route and timetable on the 62A/62B/X62 service.

And, after carrying out her own survey, raised those concerns with First bus bosses.

But while Paul McGowan, Managing Director of First Scotland East, told Ms Grahame that it was too late to change the route and timetable this season, he admitted there is potential to look at a revised frequency in the autumn-winter period.

Ms Grahame said: “First is looking to achieve the use of the Edinburgh Bus Station and Mr McGowan is currently investigating this option.

“In addition, he said he was aware that on occasions, congestion outside Peebles Post Office can be a problem in the mornings, with the 62 service and the town service (90A/90B) often competing for limited space in bus bay on the Eastgate. “Mr McGowan asked me to seek the views of constituents and practical suggestions on how this issue might be improved. I have written to all of those who have got in touch with me about the 62 service would encourage people to send me their views.

“I will continue to press for the best possible bus service on the 62 route and I am always happy to hear from constituents. I will keep people updated with any further progress I make in this matter.”