A FORMER Beltane Queen and an Easter bunny helped to make a craft fair in Peebles a huge success.

The event at the Macfarlane Hall raised £1,050 for the charity It’s Good 2 Give which supports children with cancer.

Liz Hardie (nee Boyd) the Beltane Queen of 1954 had her own stall at the fair while the Easter bunny took time out to hop around the town.

“We’re delighted at the way things went. To raise £1,050 was amazing,” said organiser Angela Preston.

Angela gave guidance to main organiser 17-year-old Corrine MacRaild for the first event she had been involved in.

“She loves all types of crafts and wanted to organise a charity event that was a little different to the usual craft stalls/coffee mornings,” said Angela Lots of people popped in to the fair to have a chat with the former Beltane Queen.

“It was great to see some familiar faces at the event,” said Liz. “It was my 60th anniversary was last year. My brother Bob was first courtier five years before. My sister Isobel was also Beltane Queen in 1952 and my father was a classics teacher at the High School.” Angela added: “I want to thank all the volunteers who helped on the day and all of the stallholders who made the event a huge success.

“Our Easter bunny was a real hit in all of the shops and hotels and got lots of waves from drivers!”