SIR, I understand that people on both sides of the referendum debate continue to hold strong views and I have made my own position clear.

The result was decisive and conclusive – and whilst not everyone agrees with the outcome we do have to respect it.

It is now time to let the Smith Commission, which has representatives from all the main political parties in Scotland including the Greens and SNP, do its job. The onus is now on politicians of all political parties to work together, with civil society and the Scottish people to reach a consensus.

I therefore urge all those with a strong opinion to submit their views directly to the Smith Commission via its website and contribute to that process. However, whilst our constitutional future is important, it cannot, and should not, be the only thing we talk about.

After two years of non-stop campaigning and robust debate, I believe it is important that we get back to talking about the issues affecting our community and campaign hard for much needed improvements to local services.

I am, etc.

David Mundell MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale.