SIR, My apologies for writing again so soon. A couple of years ago I defended the principle that Mr Mundell should be free to write what he likes - whether I agreed with his opinions or not. He seems to imply others should not have the same freedom, if their opinions don’t agree with his.

It is seldom that the Peeblesshire News appears without either his column, or an article featuring his opinion on some issue - even if it is not one covered by his UK remit - or a happy picture of him opening a food bank made necessary by his party’s policy to make the poor pay for the crimes of the bankers.

In addition, like most households, we are regularly supplied with his own political news sheet. He has ample opportunity to express opinions and keep himself in the local public’s eye with a view to re-election.

The point about the current debate is that the settlement within the union will define to what extent Scotland will have the power to decide on, and pay for its local services, given that income tax only covers about 20% of revenue raised in Scotland, and does not cover the full amount of spending required to maintain, let alone improve local services.

That is why I did indeed write direct to the Smith Commission, and also why the topic should still be an issue for a local paper from time to time.

The two main Westminster parties are using this issue to fight for power at Westminster, ignoring the requirement for a comprehensive, transparent and effective solution for devolved government.

The debate should not be stifled because it doesn’t suit Mr Mundell.

I am, etc.

Dave Robb Craigerne Lane Peebles