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Public Notice

Proposal of Application Notice to Scottish Borders Council

Following submission of a Proposal of Application Notice to Scottish Borders Council, S Carmichael Properties Ltd give notice of their intention to hold a Public Consultation event in respect of the following development:
Erection of a residential development with associated Public Open Space on land at Venlaw Farm, Peebles (Planning Permission in Principle).
The Public Consultation event will be held at Peebles Burgh Hall, Peebles on Thursday 27th October 2016 from 1 pm till 7pm.
Further information, including details of the Proposal of Application Notice and location plan can be viewed on The Scottish Borders Council's web site,, searching for planning case reference 16/00876/PAN.
Members of the public wishing to comment on the proposals are invited to do so either in person at the event or directly to:
Andrew Bennie Director
Andrew Bennie Planning Limited 3 Abbotts Court
G68 0AP
Tel: 07720 700210
Comments should be received no later than 10th November 2016. All comments should be directed to the prospective applicant and not to the Council. Comments made to the prospective applicant are not representation to the Council and if the prospective applicant submits an application there will be an opportunity to make formal representation on that application to the Council.

Published on 14/10/2016