Peeblesshire News - Memorials

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In Memoriam

Jimmie Mullins

Much loved husband, dad and grandad, on this his 100th Birthday, 2nd December. Lots of love Mo and…
Published on 29/11/2024
In Memoriam

Janet Lawrie

Passed 14th November, 2009. Love and miss you every day, the best memories always. Your…
Published on 15/11/2024
In Memoriam

Carlyn McCall

Sadly passed away 5th November 2018.Gifted with an infectious spirit and an unconditional…
Published on 01/11/2024
In Memoriam

WHITEFORD Natalie Jill

22nd September 2019 You are with us always. Your loving family.
Published on 20/09/2024
In Memoriam

Dot Lees

LEES Dot 18th September 2015. Deep in our hearts you will always stay, Loved and remembered every…
Published on 13/09/2024
In Memoriam

John Smith

SMITH John Treasured memories of a dear dad and grandad, died 28 August 2023. You will always be…
Published on 23/08/2024
In Memoriam

Gary & Sharon French

FRENCH Gary & Sharon In memory of Gary and Sharon, sadly taken away from us on the 19th & 20th…
Published on 19/07/2024
In Memoriam

Joseph Philip

PHILIP Joseph 33rd Anniversary. In loving memory of our son and brother Joseph. Taken so…
Published on 19/07/2024
In Memoriam

William McAndrew

McANDREW William (Wullie) Remembering Wullie who sadly passed on 14th July 2023 in his 94th year.…
Published on 12/07/2024
In Memoriam

Neil Raeburn

RAEBURN Neil In loving memory of Neil, a much missed husband, dad and grandad, died 17th June…
Published on 14/06/2024
In Memoriam

John Lawrie

LAWRIE John Passed away 7th May 2019 in his 96th year. Very much missed. Remembered with love and…
Published on 10/05/2024
In Memoriam

Helen Lee

LEE Helen Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal. John,…
Published on 26/04/2024