A PEEBLESSHIRE writer has published a book filled with residents’ stories about lockdown.

Helen Holt, 53, started collecting stories for Peebles in Lockdown in May, and her little piece of history is now on shelves in a selection of local shops.

"I feel it was important to record [lockdown] in some way," said Mrs Holt, a freelance copywriter, going on to describe the project as “really satisfying”.

She added: "I'm quite pleased with the final result."

Mrs Holt said most of the contributions were of positive experiences during the pandemic, but she has ensured people know that this is not necessarily a 'true' representation of every Peebles resident’s experience.

"I made a point in the introduction to say that there will have been negative experiences," she said.

Peebles in Lockdown can be found in Whitie's and as part of a lockdown exhibition at the Eastgate Theatre and other local retailers.

Two hundred copies of Peebles in Lockdown have been printed and distributed around the town.

But Mrs Holt is willing to have another run if there is more interest.

She said: "I'll restock as needed.

"People can leave their name with shops for more copies if they run out."

Although Mrs Holt has no immediate plans to create a second issue of her book, she feels the publication has shown Peebles in a "positive light".

"This has confirmed that Peebles is quite a good place to live,” she said.

“There's a strong community spirit here."