FIGURES published this week show that 100% of patients in the Borders who are diagnosed with cancer receive their treatment within the Scottish Government target of 31-days.

This is above the national average of 96%.

In addition, almost 97% of eligible patients who are given an urgent suspicion of cancer referral have received their first treatment within the Scottish Government’s 62-day target, well above the Scottish average of 77%.

Being diagnosed with cancer can be upsetting and difficult for patients and their families to cope with.

It is important that lengthy waits for diagnosis or treatment do not add to the anxiety that patients can feel during this uncertain time.

Director of Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Professionals at NHS Borders, Sarah Horan, said: “We always strive to deliver the best possible care and see our patients as quickly as we can.

“We have prioritised patients with cancer, or those suspected of having cancer, throughout the pandemic. I am proud that this commitment is clearly shown in these latest figures.

 This achievement has been possible thanks to the incredible hard work and dedication of our staff.

“The earlier cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. So if you are concerned or worried, please seek professional advice by contacting your GP.”