THE bill for repairing a fire-hit Peeblesshire swimming pool has been revealed as £1.133m – as a timescale for its long-awaited reopening is set.

If all goes to plan Peebles Swimming Pool at Port Brae will reopen to the public in the middle of August – 14 months after it was forced to close.

On June 19 last year, the fire service responded to a call of a blaze on the roof of the pool building.

Although the fire caused moderate damage to the structure, there was significant water penetration to the plant room and ceilings within the main pool hall as a consequence of extinguishing the fire, and the pool was shut to the public.

The closure of the facility has had a major impact on leisure provision in the town, particularly for the 580 children on the Peebles Learn to Swim programme.

When members of the council’s Executive Committee meet on Tuesday (June 13), they will be informed that the repair bill now stands at £1.33m.

That includes £781,000 on fire reinstatement works and £370,000 for a replacement roof.

A report to the committee, approved by John Curry, the local authority’s director of infrastructure and environment, says: “Both swimming pools have been fully drained, the full poolside areas including pools themselves cleaned down by specialists and pools refilled with completion of such expected [in] early June.

“The commencement of redecoration works to the changing village, customer toilets and reception areas are imminent with all works expected to be completed before July 31.

“The current target completion date, taking into account the additional works being undertaken, is July 31. There is likely to be a two-week allowance for staff training and handover to Live Borders to allow for full reopening.”

Executive members will be asked to agree to a new phased programme of upgrade works at the pool over the coming financial years up to 2025/26.