BORDERS College marketing team has been shortlisted for prestigious award for its Choose College campaign.

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Awards highlight and celebrate the best PR teams and campaigns across the UK’s regions and nations.

The Choose College campaign saw all of Scotland’s 26 colleges come together with one voice, to highlight the college sector, showcase it as a destination of choice for learners, and to encourage potential students to ‘Choose College’.

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College students and staff across the country contributed to the campaign video

which was made using film footage of real college students and voiceovers provided by student actors, with the help of their lecturer. 

The campaign film was used across social media and SkyTV and was seen by 958,922 people - a quarter of Scotland’s adult population.

Commenting on being shortlisted, Borders College Principal Pete Smith said: "We are thrilled to participate in the CDN Choose College campaign, which is primarily focused on ensuring that prospective learners are well-informed about the incredible array of opportunities available across all our colleges in Scotland.

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“By working together collaboratively, our marketing teams can effectively and cohesively convey the message of the enriching college experience that is available to those considering college as part of their career journey."

Marie Hendry, Chief Executive of CDN, said: “Being shortlisted for this award is fantastic recognition for the CDN Marketing and Communications Network.

“It shows the power and impact of what can be achieved when colleges collaborate, sharing their skills, expertise and creativity by working together with a single purpose.

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“Congratulations to the college marketing teams across the country who created and delivered Choose College, and huge thanks to the Scottish Funding Council who supported this campaign through the Young Persons Guarantee.”

The winners will be announced in November. Meanwhile, #ChooseCollege 2023 launches on July 31 and runs until August 27.