TOP comedian Robin Ince is coming to Heron & Willow in Jedburgh next month as part of his quest to. visit 100 Bookshops in as many days.

The co-presenter of the award-winning BBC Radio 4 show and podcast, The Infinite Monkey Cage, alongside Brian Cox is the best friend of Bookshops across the land and a wonderful author and storyteller.

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Biobliomaniac documents his personal challenge resulting in a funny, passionate and insightful look at modern Britain.

The recently re-released I’m A Joke And So Are You is a warm exploration of our psychologies through the prism of stand-up comedians.

And The Importance Of Being Interested, shortlisted for the 2023 Indie Book Awards (voted for by Bookshops), is the next step from his science based podcast; an excitable deep dive into the wonder of the universe and our lives.

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Now on a potentially endless journey of bookshop visitations, this is perhaps our one chance to welcome Robin to Jedburgh, so do not miss this opportunity!

Venue: Heron & Willow (4 Canongate, Jedburgh, TD86AJ)

Date: September 27th

Time: Doors 19:00 / Start 19:30.

Tickets: For this event tickets are £5. However, if you pre-order a book, entry is free. You can pre-order multiple books if you wish.