A VIDEO created by a Peeblesshire group featured in a global conference on Parkinson's Disease (PD).

This year the sixth annual World Parkinson's Congress was held in Barcelona in July.

With the them of 'I AM Dance', members of the PD community around the world were invited to take part by submitting a video.

Taking up the opportunity, Movement for Parkinson's in Peebles created a dance video which was included at the conference.

In their video, members of the Peebles group used creative movement to express how dance makes them feel.

Some shared that they feel strong, joyful, relaxed, on top of the world, and calm.

Dance for Parkinson's is an internationally recognised management tool for those living with the disease.

Classes provide participants with artistic freedom and the chance to socialise with others in their community, as well as aiding fluidity of movement, postural stability, flexibility of the spine, and can help improve balance.

The Peebles Hub of Movement for Parkinson's is based in the Eastgate Theatre.

A spokesperson for the Eastgate said: "The Eastgate Theatre is proud to host Movement for Parkinson’s in Peebles.

"We are incredibly fortunate to have exceptionally talented practitioners to lead the class; Alex Saunders, Rhiana Laws, Debbie Cunningham and Robert Briggs.

"To ensure that as many members of the PD community can benefit from the group, the weekly classes offer seated exercise and singing with live piano music and participants can bring a partner, family member, friend or carer for free.

"The new term of classes will resume on Thursdays from August 24 to October 5; 11.15am for a cuppa, 11.30am-1pm for movement and voice.

"Alex, Rhiana, Debbie and Robert are so looking forward to welcoming new and returning members."

To watch the Peebles Movement for Parkinson's group's video for the World Parkinson's Congress event, visit: youtu.be/-d02ye-MZHQ