METAL railings at a Peebles beauty spot have been refurbished thanks to the hard work of a community group.

In August, members of the Gutterbluids Society spent time improving the appearance of the fencing along the front of the Old Town Garden.

The railings were initially rubbed down to remove rough and flaking old paint, as well as to improve the surfaces, prior to top-coat painting.

The top rail has been repainted with a golden colour, with the remainder painted black.

Society chairman Douglas Wright said: “During the painting sessions, some Gutterbluids Society members were approached by various people, both locals and visitors, making complimentary comments about their work, and about the stunning floral displays. Some asked about the garden area, and were advised that much of the area was maintained by volunteers.”

It is not just those born in Peebles who can join the Gutterbluids Society. The group is happy to welcome any person over the age of 18 who is a resident in the Burgh of Peebles and District and shows a genuine interest in joining and willingness for active participation. If interested, contact Drew Fraser, the group’s secretary, at Lyndene, Damdale, Peebles, or call 01721 722024 for further information.