NHS BORDERS is starting ‘Time for Change’ conversations with communities about the healthcare services it provides.

The focus of the sessions will be led by what matters to residents, and there will be an opportunity for them to hear about the current position of services, what the people of the Borders have said matters to them before, and the work NHS Borders are currently doing to address challenges faced.

There will be space to discuss the challenges and potential solutions in these areas.

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Sessions are taking place in each locality and every session will be led by one of the NHS Borders Board Executive Team (BET).

There will be an opportunity to view a presentation and have a discussion, so drop in at a time to suit you. The timetable is as follows:

Tuesday November 14 (2:00pm-7:00pm) at Peebles Community Centre

Wednesday November 15 (2:00pm-6:30pm) at Heart of Hawick

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Monday November 27 (2:00pm-7:00pm) at Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso

Wednesday November 29 (2:00pm-7:00pm) at The Great Tapestry Discovery Room, Galashiels

Monday December 11 (2:00pm-7:00pm) at Southfield Community Centre, Duns

Ralph Roberts, Chief Executive of NHS Borders said: “We are currently facing unprecedented challenges in planning and delivering health services, and we know it’s time to start doing things differently.

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“We need to know what matters to you so we can act on it, so we look forward to seeing you at your local Time for Change conversation and hearing what you have to say.”

After a recent event we received the following comment: “It's really encouraging and nice to know how much time and effort NHS Borders has been putting into getting as many people’s experiences heard as possible and for engaging/taking the time to listen.” Come and continue the conversation with us at your local Time for Change session.

If you have accessibility requirements, please email public.involvement@borders.scot.nhs.uk.