A SPECIAL event will be held in the Borders this month for those affected or bereaved by suicide.
The fifth annual Memorial Event for People Bereaved by Suicide will be held from 2-3pm on Saturday, November 18 at The Haining in Selkirk.

Coinciding with International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, the event is open to anyone who has lost a loved one.

The event, organised by NHS Borders, Scottish Borders Council, and the After a Suicide Working Group, will give those bereaved the chance to come together to remember the people they have lost.

Dr Rebecca Devine, consultant in Public Health at NHS Borders, said: “In a close-knit community like the Borders, there is often a far-reaching impact when someone dies by suicide. 

“We hope that this event will give people who have lost a loved one to suicide an opportunity to come together and celebrate the lives of those they have lost and realise that they are not alone.”

At the memorial event, attendees will walk from The Haining car park to the Clootie Tree for a service led by an interfaith minister.

The service will offer a time to reflect and tie a ribbon to the tree.

There will also be songs from the Health in Harmony Choir and poetry.

After the service there will be a reflective walk around Haining Loch with Denise Carmichael from Walk It.

Representatives from Samaritans, Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) and Quarriers will join the event and will be available to offer support and resources.

There will be additional resources and refreshments at the Samaritans’ office in Selkirk following the event.

Dr Devine added: “If you have been bereaved by suicide, it’s important to open up about how you’re feeling. 
“Family and friends can be a great source of support. 
“You can also access support over the phone or from a number of different online resources such as NHS Borders Wellbeing Point and the Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide website.”

It is advised that those interested in joining the event on November 18 register in advance, however, people are welcome to turn up on the day.

If you are having thoughts of suicide, please talk to someone; speak to your GP, phone NHS24 Mental Health Hub on 111, Samaritans on 116 123 or Breathing Space 0800 838587. 

For information on looking after your own mental health and wellbeing and suicide prevention resources, visit: www.nhsborders.scot.nhs.uk/wellbeingpoint.

And for further information or any queries about the Memorial Event, please contact Public Health on 01835 825970 or email health.improvement@borders.scot.nhs.uk.