A PEEBLESSHIRE mum battling the council about her daughters’ walk for a school bus found the route flooded this week.

Since August, Scottish Borders Council (SBC) has insisted that Cheryl Scougal’s primary-age girls walk on an unlit stretch of the B7062 to catch a bus at Cardrona.

Formerly the pupils were picked up by a school bus outside their house, which SBC says is now too full.

Ms Scougal, posting on social media, said her daughters would need life jackets on Monday due to a deep flood on their usual walking route.

She added that the route would be “probably impassable without a big car fairly soon”.

“Clearing the road drains doesn’t count in the council safety policy, just like the lack of street lighting on this route,” she said.

An SBC spokesperson said: “At this time of year fallen leaves unfortunately can impact on our road drainage systems, right across our 3,000km-long road network.

“Combined with recent heavy rain this resulted in a small number of surface water flooding issues.

“Scottish Borders Council proactively target known problem areas as well as dealing with more than 27,000 drainage gulleys across our extensive road network.

“As and when local issues arise and we are made aware of them, we will take action where resources are available.”