NHS BORDERS has issued advice to people who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern.

Now that the clocks have changed, everyone is noticing the shorter stretches of daylight and the darker evenings.

This affects people differently, but it’s not unusual for it to impact upon mood and energy.

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People may feel more tired than in summer and find it harder to be social.

Peeblesshire News:

This can feel difficult at a time of year where more socialising around the holidays might be expected.

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There are a number of things that might help you with low mood and energy during the darker months including:

Try to do regular exercise, preferably outdoors and in daylight.

Prioritise sleeping well. Apps such as Sleepio can help with this.

Take a vitamin D supplement. The reduced light in wintertime makes it harder for our bodies to get the vitamin levels that it needs.

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If you start and finish work in the dark, try and get outside at lunchtime, even if only for 10-15 minutes.

Make time for hobbies and activities you know you enjoy doing, or try a new hobby.

Say ‘no’ to some things if you need to.

Dr Sohail Bhatti, NHS Borders Director of Public Health said: “Colder temperatures and shorter days can have a real effect on our wellbeing.

“It is important to acknowledge and accept that you may have less energy in the winter months so you may need to manage your energy differently.

“There are things you can do to help improve mood and energy levels during winter.

“ Visit NHS inform for more helpful tips and what to do if you are struggling to manage.”For more information about beating the winter blues and SAD click here.