DRIVING a vehicle while almost three times the legal alcohol limit has resulted in a 26-year-old Galashiels man being banned from the road for 12 months.

Jake Osborn, of Lintburn Street, crashed his car into a tree on the Langshaw Road during the early hours of December 3.

Selkirk Sheriff Court was told when police officers came onto the scene they could detect a strong smell of alcohol.

He pleaded guilty to a charge of driving with a breath/alcohol count of 57 microgrammes – the legal limit being 22.

Defence lawyer Ed Hulme said his client had a clean licence and it was actually Osborn that contacted the police following the accident.

He was fully co-operative with officers.

Mr Hulme added: “On the day in question he and his partner had a few drinks in the afternoon and evening.

“He had not consumed alcohol for a few hours and when an argument developed with his partner, he felt fit to drive and decided to get away.”

Osborn was banned for one year but was considered suitable for the Drink Driver Rehabilitation Scheme which will result in a 25 per cent discount of completed successfully at his own expense.

He was fined £300 and ordered to pay a £20 victim surcharge.