A 29-YEAR-OLD man who hurled abuse at nightclub security staff continued his rant towards police officers after he had been arrested, Selkirk Sheriff Court has been told.

Joop Sparkes pleaded guilty to two counts of threatening or abusive behaviour by shouting and swearing in Overhaugh Street, Galashiels, on July 16 and later on at Hawick Police Station.

Prosecutor Drew Long said Sparkes had first started shouting and swearing at members of the public as he approached The Indigo Rooms.

He was told by security staff that he was being denied entry to the nightclub and started shouting and swearing at them.

Police arrived on the scene and he was taken to the ground and transported to Hawick Police Station where he continued to shout and swear and act in an aggressive manner.

Defence lawyer Mat Patrick said his client had been heavily intoxicated and had said his behaviour was completely unacceptable.

Sparkes, of Kenilworth Avenue, Galashiels, was fined a total of £300 for both charges with a £20 victim surcharge added.