A 26-YEAR-OLD man who abused police officers who were trying to assist him has been ordered to be of good behaviour for the next three months.

Rory Lennon pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner at his home in High Street, Galashiels, on October 12 and in a police van to Borders General Hospital and Hawick Police Station.

He admitted acting in an aggressive manner, shouting and swearing and uttering abusive remarks aggravated by sexual orientation.

Selkirk Sheriff Court was told that Lennon was feeling suicidal and contacted the emergency services.

But when police officers tried to get him assessed he began shouting and swearing at them and made homophobic remarks towards them.

Defence lawyer Ed Hulme said his client had a history of problems with drugs and alcohol.

He added: "He was highly intoxicated on this occasion. He says his behaviour was deeply unacceptable."

Sheriff Kevin McCarron told Lennon it was his eighth conviction for public disorder stating: "It occurs to me that the only thing that is going to stop this is custody."

Sentence was deferred until April 16.