A 42-YEAR-OLD woman involved in a bust-up with her neighbour has been ordered to be of good behaviour for the next four months at Selkirk Sheriff Court.

Sharon Boyle pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by shouting and swearing and making offensive remarks at her Galashiels home on April 10.

The court was told Boyle walked past the neighbour's home and was shouting she was going to "smash it down" referring to a camera which had been erected.

Defence lawyer Mat Patrick said there had been a long-running dispute between the two women.

He added: "She lost her temper and said things she should not have said."

Mr Patrick said the other woman had now moved away from the area.

Sentence was deferred until May 13 for good behaviour and Sheriff Kevin McCarron said that if that happened he would recommend that Boyle was admonished.