BORDERERS are being urged to look out for vulnerable people in the community.

As part of Adult Support and Protection Day (February 20) Scottish Borders Council (SBC) is calling on the public to look out for signs of harm for those most at risk.

SBC's Public Protection Committee hopes that by looking out for adults who are more at risk of harm – due to illness, trauma, physical or mental health conditions – individuals can be given the help and support they need.

Alan Small, chair of Scottish Borders Public Protection Committee, said: “Here in the Borders, our multi-agency Public Protection Services are committed to working together to support and protect adults at risk from harm so they are enabled to live their lives as safely and independently as possible.

“Adult Support and Protection Day is an opportunity for us to raise awareness not only of the work we do and the support that is available, but also as a reminder that everyone has a responsibility to look out for and report any concerns they may have.

"If you’re worried that someone is at risk of harm or neglect from others – or harming or neglecting themselves – remember that they may not be able to report it themselves.

"Please don’t let someone suffer in silence – if you see something, say something.”

Adults who need support can be at risk of physical, psychological, financial or sexual harm, neglect or self-neglect. 

Some adults can also find themselves dependent on alcohol and/or drugs and lose awareness of the situation they are living in – or the consequences of decisions they make.

Individuals can be at risk of harm anywhere – in the home, at work, or in public spaces.

The public are asked to "speak up" about concerns they have about someone.

Brenda Walker, national adult support and protection coordinator for Scotland, added: “It can be difficult to know what to do when you’re worried about someone, and you might feel that you don’t want to interfere.

"However, reporting your concerns could really help to keep someone safe and turn their life around.

“The ongoing cost of living crisis is making it even more difficult for those who are looking after others, or struggling to take care of themselves, so it’s more important right now than ever to keep your eyes open for signs of harm.

“Everyone has a role to play in keeping those in our communities safe, so I would encourage anyone who has seen something that worries them to please say something.”

What to do if you have concerns about someone

If you are concerned that someone is at risk of harm or neglect, there is a range of support available.


If you’re worried that someone is at risk of harm or neglect, find out more about the support that is available at: To speak to someone directly, contact Customer Advice and Support Services on 0300 100 1800 or out of office hours on 01896 752111.

The Council’s Domestic Abuse Advocacy Support service provide free and confidential specialist support to any adult over the age of 16 living in the Borders who is either experiencing domestic abuse or has experienced this in the past. To find out more, visit:


Alternatively, you can contact the Police on 101, or call 999 if you believe the person is in immediate danger.

Act Against Harm

For more information about the advice, guidance, and support that is available nationally, visit: