A VOLUNTEER who has chaired Upper Tweed Community Council (UTCC) for nearly three years will step down.

At Monday’s meeting Andrew Beveridge, who has served with the group for more than five years, said: “I am proud of what UTCC has achieved over the last few years, including during the challenging COVID times.

“Although it does rely very much on willing volunteers to contribute and who are motivated to serve the local community.

“Hopefully we can see a continuum of new volunteers willing to give of their time.”

When Mr Beveridge joined UTCC his work commitments, including international travel, were on hold due to COVID and he issued the caveat that he may need to reconsider when life returned to normal.

Mr Beveridge added: “It has been a privilege to serve the community during my time as a community councillor and the last years as chairman of the UTCC.

“I am not going to stand for re-election in May and announcing my decision now gives time for a proper succession plan.

“It is a good opportunity to send a request out for people to stand for our community council.”

Speaking after the meeting Mr Beveridge said: “It is healthy to have a rotation of UTCC members so the community can benefit from new ideas and perspectives.

“I want to thank everyone for contributing and especially our three Tweeddale West councillors for putting party politics aside to collaborate.”

Councillor Viv Thomson thanked Mr Beveridge for his comments and stressed the importance of community councils and told how she was a member of Lamancha and Kirkurd before becoming a councillor.