A TEAM of five construction workers are cranking up their efforts on a Peeblesshire path for cyclists, horse riders and pedestrians.

The 1.1-mile Tarmac track will extend the five-mile Eddleston Water Path from the village alongside the A703 to its junction with the Shiplaw Road.

The new piece of multi-use track was started in October last year and is due for completion in mid-march.

The work has also included upgrading a number of lampposts and road signs.

A Scottish Borders Council spokesperson said: “The council has developed this section of path thanks to £600,000 from Transport Scotland’s Active Travel Transformation Fund, which was secured by SBC through a challenge fund last year. 

"Two new lighting columns have been installed on the footpath replacing old columns on the west side of the A703 and a further two on the east side of the A703.

“Once complete, there will be a new 1800m section of path to the north, up to the Shiplaw Road.”