A PEEBLESSHIRE primary school pupil has raised more than £1,000 for a local food bank.

As part of her Brownies Charity Badge, Isla Dick helped to raise vital funds for the Peeblesshire Foodbank through a fundraising stall in the café at Dawyck Botanic Gardens.

With the help of her mum and granny, Isla made cakes, collected eggs from her chickens, and gathered "thousands of hundreds" of daffodils from her farm.

Visitors to Isla's stall also donated food to be shared with the food bank.

In total Isla gave Peeblesshire Foodbank four crates of donated food and £1,200 in cash donations.

A spokesperson from Peeblesshire Foodbank said: "To say we were flabbergasted, what the understatement of the year.

"Isla raised £1,200 for the Foodbank.

"What an absolutely amazing wee lass.

"This will restock our shelves – thank you Isla, you are a special star.

"I am sure the whole of Peeblesshire is proud of you.

"Our profound thanks to the whole family."