A FUNDING bid for £4,000 to support pupils with reading and writing at Peebles High School faces refusal.

The Dyslexic Collective has submitted a funding request to Scottish Borders Council’s Tweeddale Area Partnership.

The money would purchase learning aids for students, including headphones, books, pens and additionally help put together welcome packs for primary 7s starting as S1s.

But when members of the partnership meet next week they will consider a report from an assessment panel recommending them to refuse the request.

A report states: “The panel felt that the group was lacking clarity on the long-term objectives of the group.

“They felt a business plan was needed to establish sustainability and how long-term support could be achieved.

“They felt more consultation would be required to establish the individual needs of each student starting Peebles High School so as to highlight what support in the welcome packs were needed.

“There were also questions around the replacement of any broken or lost equipment.”