ONCE again, Whipman Week has been "absolutely magical" in West Linton.

And it’s not over yet.

Whipman Tanny Gill and his Lass Jill Gill have done an amazing job leading the village’s events this week.

With sunshine throughout the week, the weather was again on West Linton’s side this year.

Marking the 221st year of the Whipman Play Society, celebrations began on Friday (May 31) with the installation of the Whipman and his Lass.

At the installation Roger Oakes, Honorary President, was honoured on his retiral from the Whipman committee.

Anniversaries being celebrated this year were Neil Forsyth, Honorary President and Whipman 1984 marking his 40th anniversary; 1994 Whipman and Lass Kevin Armstrong and Clare Waugh celebrated their 30th anniversary; and 1999 Whipman and Lass Jim and Terri Weir looked back on their 25 years as principals.

After the installation Tanny and Jill danced the Whipman reel before joining their supporters and West Linton and District Pipe Band for the procession around the village alongside local groups and their floats.

Then on Saturday, June 1 it was the Whipman Ride Out.

After riders forded the Lyne Water youngsters gathered on the Lower Green for the fancy dress competition.

Jill and Tanny said: “This week on the Green has been absolutely magical.

“Seeing the whole community come together for each event has been truly heartwarming.

“Every activity is overflowing with joy, laughter, and pure fun.

“We feel incredibly fortunate to be part of such a wonderful community.

“Congratulations to all the winners so far, and here’s hoping the sunshine keeps gracing us throughout the Common Riding.

“We’re absolutely loving every second of it.”

Sunday (June 2) the family cycle ride to Deepsyke returned, followed by the Kirkin’ of the Whipman.

On Sunday afternoon it was the five-a-side football tournament, organised by Linton Hotspur, the dog show, the adults’ cycling and silent disco.

On Monday villagers enjoyed the West Linton Early Learners storytelling, children’s football, scooter and cycling events, and adults’ netball.

Families enjoyed the Tea and Tots Fun Morning on Tuesday and the junior disco. The day ended with a quiz at the Gordon Arms Hotel.

On Wednesday it was the cross country events, bogie races, wheel barrow races, and adults’ pillow fight.

On Thursday it was the junior and senior rugby and the comedy show.

And yesterday (Friday) it was the Summer Ball.

A Whipman spokesperson said: “Saturday’s Ride Out was a great success enjoyed by all who took part.

“The riders enjoyed snacks and refreshments at Garvald.

“Following the Ride this year a very successful After the Ride Gathering for all the community was held in the marquee when the Ride out Trophies were presented and everyone enjoyed ice creams, food, refreshments and music followed later by a disco.

“A huge thanks to everyone who organised and helped at all these various events and activities.

“Your continued support is very much appreciated.”

Whipman events will continue today with the Whipman procession, sports day, second hand book sale, Whipman Market, tug of war and raffle.

Then the week will end on Sunday with an evening service in the marquee on the Green.