Having moved to Peebles in 2002, self-proclaimed ‘stooriefit’ Bosco Santimano gives us his own take on what he feels is the hot topic of the day. This week it’s sovereignty.

Irrespective of the outcome of the EU negotiations, the clocks are spinning towards the breakup of the Union. Many people want to go back to the glory days of this country, where rivers were flowing with milk and honey and the “we are the good guys” image which is so conditioned and brainwashed into the minds of British psyche from early childhood.

Accurate history is not taught in this country but a very sanitised, pleasant version of it, mainly focusing on the grandeur of the monarchy for diversions and World War II.

The recent spectacle of the Queen's speech beggars belief as the pomp and pageantry of the true rulers of this island was on display for all to see.

This nation removed the kings and queens of the lands it conquered through deceit in the name of bringing democracy to the world but is still hanging on to its outdated traditions! A beacon of democracy which conveniently does not have a written constitution. Such hypocrisy!

But why are we still so gullible and can’t see the obvious truth of where the power lies in this nation? Many people I personally know support this outdated practice and institution and the cost to us the tax payers.

These very same individuals slam people on benefits, migrants and foodbanks, but are happy to give millions away to the queen and the extended royal family all in the name of tradition or a tourist attraction!

This always proved my point that education does not necessarily mean you are aware or informed but conditioned to believe in an obvious lie. People want to go back to the glory days of empire without fully understanding the true meaning of this statement.

This country is responsible for all the major flashpoints around the world today. That’s the legacy of the empire and the monarchy, having committed mass genocide, looting of resources and cultural decimation from which these countries are yet to recover.

If you closely listen to the words spoken during the ceremony of the Queen's speech, it’s very clear who is in charge. The mace, which is a symbol of the Queen's authority, is placed in the House of Commons and Black Rod knocks on the door to command the House of Commons, remember the clue is in the name 'Commons' because that is what we are commoners. Politicians who then get elected see themselves as servants to the Queen not the electorate who voted them in the first place.

They then go about maintaining the status quo at the expense of people dying because of benefits cuts, foodbanks or parents having to starve in order to feed their children.

What a sorry state of affairs and Brexit is just going to push many citizens over the cliff in order to satisfy the egos of the rich political class of this country. The people of this country got to see first-hand what their ancestors did to over 70 per cent of the world.

It’s time for action.